Please review all information below for the grant you are interested in as criteria and forms have been updated from prior application periods.
Missoula Conservation District is pleased to offer the following grants designed to foster conservation of natural resources within Missoula County. The requirements for each specific grant offering is detailed under each heading below the following chart.
Grant | Occurrence | Application Periods | Implementation Begins |
Conservation Enhancement Grant | Biannual | ● February 1 – March 15 ● September 1 – October 15 |
● August 1 ● March 1 |
Riparian Planting Mini Grant | Biannual | ● February 1 – March 15 ● September 1 – October 15 |
● August 1 ● March 1 |
Innovation Conservation Grant | Biannual | ● February 1 – March 15 ● September 1 – October 15 |
Typically 1 month following approval |
Education Cost Share Grant | Biannual | ● February 1 – March 15 ● September 1 – October 15 |
Typically 1 month following approval |
Education Mini Grant | Ongoing | Rolling Deadline – Reviewed at monthly Board meetings | Typically within 2-3 weeks of approval |
Continuing Education Mini Grant | Ongoing | Rolling Deadline – Reviewed at monthly Board meetings | Typically within 1-2 weeks of approval |
Operations Mini Grant | Ongoing | Rolling Deadline – Reviewed at monthly Board meetings | Typically within 1-2 weeks of approval |
Applicants should pay specific attention to whether the grant program is available to individuals and/or organizations as this varies by each grant. Please follow the instructions provided on the grant application form and answer each of the questions. Questions may be directed to Bryan Vogt at or 406-880-3526.
The following grants are offered on an ongoing basis and reviewed at monthly Board meetings.
Education Mini Grant
This competitive grant provides up to a $500 award available to schools and other organizations to plan and host educational programs or events that increase awareness and interest in natural resource management, agricultural sciences, and conservation issues in Missoula County. Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis and are reviewed monthly. There are no match requirements for the Education Mini Grant, but showing matching funds from other sources is encouraged and may make the application more competitive and likely to receive funding. Successful applicants may receive one Education Mini Grant award per year.
Education Mini Grant Application form
Continuing Education Mini Grant
This grant provides up to a $500 award for individuals to participate in programs and events that increase awareness and interest in natural resource management, agricultural science, and conservation issues with relevance to Missoula County. Awards must be used for individual attendance and participation in a specific event. The grantee shall return any grant funds that exceed actual costs to attend the event as verified by receipts. Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis and are reviewed monthly. There are no match requirements for the Continuing Education Mini Grant.
Continuing Education Mini Grant Application form
Operations Mini Grant
This competitive grant provides up to a $500 award for limited operational support to entities and organizations who demonstrate a budgetary need and have a conservation mission consistent with that of the District. Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis and are reviewed monthly. There are no match requirements for the Operations Mini Grant, but showing matching funds from other sources is encouraged and may make the application more competitive and likely to receive funding. Eligible applicants may submit one application per year.
Operations Mini Grant Application form
The following grants are offered on a biannual basis. Please see the chart above for open dates of these grants.
Conservation Enhancement Grant – application period currently closed
This competitive grant provides up to a $5,000 cost share award for a landowner or land manager to improve natural resources within Missoula County through on-the-ground restoration practices that provide a public resource benefit. Projects determined to only provide a benefit to the landowner are ineligible. District staff will provide technical assistance and may conduct pre-project site visits to determine eligibility and make project suggestions. Applications must be submitted prior to any work being conducted or purchase of materials as payments of Conservation Enhancement Grants (CEG) are for reimbursement of approved projects only. Applications for completed projects or those already started will not be considered. The grant will reimburse 50%–75% of the total allowable costs of the completed project, up to a maximum award amount of $5,000. Applications are accepted biannually as shown in the chart above. Interested applicants should review the CEG Information Brochure link below for additional information on eligible conservation practices, reimbursement cost-share rates, and other program requirements.
Informational Brochure – Read this document before downloading the application
Conservation Enhancement Grant Application form – application period currently closed
CEG Project Budget Spreadsheet– Required attachment (See Example RPG Budget spreadsheets below for guidance)
Ranking Criteria – (Updated from prior cycle) Provided for applicant reference
Riparian Planting Mini Grant – application period currently closed
This competitive grant provides up to a $1,000 cost share award for a landowner or land manager to purchase native plants or seed as part of an enhancement project that promotes, maintains, or restores riparian areas along streams and rivers in Missoula County. Conservation District staff will provide technical assistance, conduct site visits, and determine project eligibility. Applications must be submitted prior to any work being conducted or purchase of materials as payments of Riparian Plant Mini Grants are for reimbursement of approved plantings and seedings only. Applications for completed projects or those already started will not be considered. The grant will reimburse up to 75% of the total allowable costs of the project, up to a maximum award amount of $1,000.
Riparian Planting Mini Grant Application form – application period currently closed
RPG Project Budget Spreadsheet– Required attachment
Example and Guidance Documents
Example RPG Budget spreadsheets
Native Deciduous Riparian Shrubs and Trees
Healthy Riparian Guidebook – updated!
Innovation Conservation Grant – application period currently closed
This competitive grant provides a $1,000 – $10,000 award for a project that promotes or supports new, innovative approaches to natural resource conservation and management that align with the mission of the Missoula Conservation District and that benefit a public resource in Missoula County. Proposals may be for education, demonstration, or implementation projects or a combination of these approaches. Applications are accepted biannually as shown in the chart above. There are no match requirements for the Innovation Conservation Grant (ICG), but showing matching funds from other sources may make the application more competitive and likely to receive funding. Successful applicants may receive an ICG award only once every three (3) years.
Interested organizations must submit a pre-application by the published deadline. Applicants will be notified if they are selected to submit a full ICG project application following review of all pre-applications.
Innovation Conservation Grant Pre-Application form – application period currently closed
Education Cost Share Grant – application period currently closed
This competitive grant provides a $1,000 – $5,000 award for support of educational opportunities or the hosting of educational programs/events by organizations, schools, public entities, and businesses that increase awareness and interest in natural resource management, agricultural sciences, and conservation issues in Missoula County and which demonstrate new and innovative approaches to providing these opportunities. Applications are accepted biannually as shown in the chart above. Education Cost Share Grants (ECS) require a 1:1 or 50:50 cash match in the form of non-government (i.e., private) funding. In-kind contributions cannot count towards the match requirement but can be reported as part of the overall project cost. Successful applicants may receive one ECS award per year.
Interested organizations must submit a pre-application by the published deadline. Applicants will be notified if they are selected to submit a full ECS project application following review of all pre-applications.
Education Cost Share Pre-Application form – application period currently closed
Grant Submissions
Please submit all completed, signed grant applications in one of the following ways:
- Email the completed, signed form(s) as a single PDF to
- Mail or deliver the completed form(s) to:
Missoula Conservation District
1075 South Avenue W, Suite #3
Missoula, MT 59801