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The Montana Conservationist

It’s April, and you’re a fool if you think that means spring is here (*coughs*). Raise your hand if you’re ready for the snow to stop!

Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, it’s April, and it’s time for TMC! Here’s what’s in this week’s issue:

  • We have details on the winner’s of MACD’s annual scholarships
  • NACD and the Montana Congressional Delegation are applauding and praising, respectively, the recently passed Omnibus bill for the conservation measures and forest management changes it included (great job, Bill).
  • Clain Jones writes in about issues with soil acidity in Montana. Yield-limiting acidity was recently identified in Chouteau County, and Clain writes about why soil samples might not identify the issue.
  • Ranching cheat alert! A new study shows that the earlier ranchers treat cheatgrass, the greater their financial reward.
  • In Colorado, the Pokemon Go phenomenon inspired a citizen science project to monitor tiny streams
  • And Bob Flesher writes that with projections for a flood filled spring, landowners should plan ahead and get the right permits for stream modification projects.

All of that, plus more opportunities than you could count on your toes if you were wearing sandals right now. Which you’re not. Read the Montana Conservationist for April 3: TMC 2018-04-03
