All services offered by the Missoula Conservation District are free and voluntary. In return for services, the district asks that you make a commitment to become a better steward of your land.
Technical Assistance Offered through the District and the Natural Resources Conservation Service
- Streambank Stabilization Measures
- Soils Information
- Grazing Management Pans
- Fencing to Improve Livestock Distribution
- Livestock Water Developments
- Irrigation Systems and Irrigation Water Management
- Pasture & Hayland Management
- Wildlife Habitat Enhancement
- Windbreaks
- Weed Control
- Revegetation Plans
- Forest Stand Improvement Planning
Conservation Grants to Promote Practices that Improve Natural Resources
- The Missoula CD is in the process of updating its Grants Program. Please refer to the Grants Program page for additional information.
Services and Programs are paid for by the yearly assessment on your tax statements labeled soil conservation.