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1-406-258-3430 8:00 am - 4:00pm. It is advisable to call ahead of your visit; staff may be in the field.

No-Till Drill and Trailer

Truax FlexII-88 No-Till Drill


The Missoula Conservation has a Truax FlexII-88 No-Till Drill available for rent to use in Missoula and neighboring counties. The drill comes on a Deck Over Trailer for hauling. The drill is housed and rented directly from the Missoula Conservation District office now located at the Gerald W. Marks Exploration Center & Rocky Mountain Gardens on the northeast corner of the Missoula Fairgrounds, 1075 South Avenue West, Missoula, Montana 59801.

What can I use the no-till drill for?

The Truax Flex II-88 no-till drill may be used for a variety of applications:

  • Cover crops
  • Grass seed
  • Pasture/hayland renovation
  • Food plots
  • Grain crops
  • Addressing problem areas in a field
  • Seeding restoration sites (e.g. stream bank restoration)

What do I need to know before using the drill?

Please review this Before You Rent Guide link for the things you need to know before renting our no-till drill, including:

  • Drill size
  • Tractor requirements
  • Towing requirements
  • Rental rates and insurance requirements

In preparation for your rental, please review the following items.
You’ll be required to sign off that you’ve reviewed these videos and documents when you pick up the drill:

Loading & Unloading tutorial video

Calibration & Cleaning tutorial video

Before You Rent Guide

No-Till Quick Start Guide

Flex II Manual – Safety & Operations Excerpts

How do I reserve the no-till drill?

Call (406) 880-3526 or email the Missoula Conservation District to make a reservation. We recommend planning ahead, but we recognize that weather and plans can change. There is no fee for cancellation or rescheduling with 48-hours advanced notice.

Rental Agreement

When you come to pick up the no-till drill and trailer, you’ll be required to fill out and sign the District’s Rental Agreement. If you wish to review the Rental Agreement in advance you may do so by clicking the No-till Rental Agreement-2024.

Where do I pick it up?

The no-till drill and trailer are housed at the Missoula Conservation District office located in the new Gerald W. Marks Exploration Center & Rocky Mountain Gardens, 1075 South Avenue W, on the northeast corner of the Missoula Fairgrounds. Additional details will be provided when you make your reservation.

Additional Resources

A full copy of the Flex II Operations Manual is available by clicking this link to the Truax Company website.
